Fountain Park Chautauqua, located in serene, rural Indiana, has functioned continuously since 1895, preserving an historical part of our American heritage and keeping family values strong. At Fountain Park, the generation gap is bridged by the fostering of love and respect for all ages. The strong bonds of lasting friendships and family ties, some going five or six generations back, are evidence of the great appreciation held for Fountain Park. It is a place for children, especially, to experience play how it was generations ago: unstructured, unscheduled, all inclusive, self-organized and self-motivated. It is a truly special place.
Fountain Park Chautauqua
American Heritage and Family Values since 1895
Our Generous Corporate Donors
Please thank them by patronizing their businesses

Remington Poultry & Catering

Thank you to our 2022 donors
Gold ($1000 and up)
Silver ($500-$999)
Bronze ($100-$499)
Beth Beres
Ruth & Dick Stevens
Randall and Deborah Tobias
Quentin & Renee Overbeck
Mary Fritz
Marcus Rust & Susan Hageman
Tri Kappa
Eric & Kelly Pampel
Donald & Denise Pampel
Karen Stanley
​Louanne & Scott Condreay
Thomas & Phyllis Buschman
Sayler Rentals LLC
Andrew Nussbaum
Connie & Larry Pampel
Michael Fry
Travis & Lacy Park
Lone Pine LLC
Beth Tomlinson
Holly Maria Barce
John & Darlene Nussbaum
Shannan Wilken

The Fountain Park Chautauqua Society is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization TIN 35-6044798
All charitable contributions, donations and memorials made by check may be sent to P.O. Box 385 Remington IN 47977 Fountain Park Treasurer. Thank you very much.